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Thank you for your interest in the ShopRoute9™ web site. This user's guide will give you some general information and serve as your user's agreement & legal notice. If you have any questions about this page, you can email us at:
For advertising information call (508) 473-7589.
1. User's Guide General Information™ ("SR9") is a business to consumer advertising web site. Most advertisers on are local small businesses.
To qualify as an SR9 Listed Advertiser ("LA"), a company or organization must meet several standards:
a) No pornographic or illegal activities, web pages or advertisements are allowed.
b) LA must be located in or do business extensively in our market area.
c) LA must make a best effort to keep all commitments made to any customer acquired through SR9 initiated contact. LA's are expected to operate by a policy of "good faith efforts" when addressing customer complaints or concerns.
d) Advertising fees must be paid promptly when due. Our typical annual fee for web hosting starts at $350.
e) LA's are expected to maintain a cooperative attitude when dealing with SR9 management. We operate on a policy of "win-win". At all times, we do our best to serve you well and we ask that you reciprocate in kind.
f) Our internet activities are premised on our belief that the greatest power of the internet is information access. For SR9 consumers, this means our goal is to provide current, accurate information about locally available companies, professionals and shopping values.
2. Purpose
The primary objective of SR9™ is to assist locally based companies and professionals to project an effective web presence. We believe that by advertising at the specialized internet locus of and/or by availing themselves of certain of our proprietary hosting enhancements, our customers can more powerfully reach consumers with added convenience and value.
3. Scope (SR9) primarily hosts web pages for small and medium businesses in and along the Route9 (Route 9) area in Massachusetts. Though most of our customers are generally between Brookline and Worcester, depending on the circumstances, we host customers from elsewhere in Eastern Massachusetts as well.
4. Hosting Fees
A variety of site plans are available, beginning at $350 a year. Those parties who are interested to be listed, can inquire via the "Contact ShopRoute9" .
5. User agreement
The SR9 site is made available on a restricted basis which is constrained as follows:
a) Listed Advertiser (LA). This status is assigned to those companies, groups or individuals who have paid a fee and signed an SR9 agreement. Such agreement is a separate and distinct one from this you are reading now. Those considering advertising on SR9 are allowed to review an advertiser agreement during the sales interview. As mentioned above, SR9 web hosting services can be had for as little as $350 per year. If you are interested in one or want an email question answered in regards to one, you can inquire via the "Contact ShopRoute9" Email link on our front page.
b) Participating Visitor ("PV"). This refers to those on-line viewers who interact with the site beyond simply viewing it. Anyone making an email or other inquiry to SR9, an SR9 Listing Advertiser or who engages in a transaction with or through Listed Advertisers via SR9 is deemed a "Participating Visitor" (PV). A PV is authorized to use SR9 for legitimate SR9 related purposes only. No illegal, pornographic or unethical activity is allowed. The management of SR9 reserves the right to bar anyone from SR9 for any reason. By using SR9, a PV agrees that the decisions of SR9 are final. Use of the SR9 web site by anyone is predicated on their agreement with this point.
c) Silent Visitor ("SV"). Silent visitors to SR9 are those who view the pages on the SR9 site but do not interact in anyway. Such visitors are not to subject to constraints other than the user caveats and restrictions which follow.
6. User Caveats and Restrictions
a) No person(s), group(s), or organization(s) may interfere with, harm or damage the SR9 web site in any way. Any malicious interference, unauthorized access or disruption of SR9 will be reported to proper legal authorities. This restriction applies to all advertisers and viewers, participating or otherwise and all other persons and groups. Access of the SR9 web site or servers in any way or manner other than the three authorized options shown above, is criminal trespass. The SR9 web site may not be downloaded either in whole or in part. Excepting that pages may be saved to disk for reference purposes, the SR9 website may be viewed on-line only, via ordinary web browsing software.
b) SR9 by virtue of it's constant growth will obviously change from time to time. No assurance of any kind is made that any currently used screen layout or content will be available at anytime in the future.
c) PV's who use SR9 are admonished to remember that SR9 is an advertising venue only. Our PV commitment is limited to this: Should you have a problem with an SR9 Listed Advertiser concerning an SR9 related issue, and you've tried in good faith to resolve it, SR9 will, upon clear written request sent to: End User Help Desk, SR9 - PO Box 191 - Medway, MA 02053, make a reasonable attempt to mediate a win-win resolution for you and the advertiser involved.
d) We welcome your alerts and comments about inaccurate information (if any) found on SR9 itself or on any SR9 hosted advertiser pages. Written notice about any found should be sent to: Accuracy Dept., SR9 - PO Box 191 - Medway, MA 02053.
e) Information found or accessed via an SR9 provided link is subject to less scrutiny by us than SR9 itself. SR9 takes no responsibility for the content of any site we've linked to. SR9 links to other sites as a courtesy to SR9 viewers and for informational purposes only. If as a viewer, you take issue with the tone of any courtesy link or anything posted on SR9 itself, please send written notice to: Content Advisory, SR9 - PO Box 191 - Medway, MA 02053.
7. All Rights Reserved™ is owned and published by North American Data Services, LLC™, PO Box 191, Medway, MA 02053. Legal notices must be sent to this address via certified mail. Any and all information, graphics, scan work, layout schemes/text components, posted on or incorporated into SR9 which are not expressly agreed as proprietary to a Listed Advertiser (or otherwise copyrighted) are Ó Copyright 1999-2016, North American Data Services, LLC., ShopRoute9, ShopRoute 9, Shop Route 9, Shop Rt. 9, Shop Rte 9, ShopRouteNine, ShopRoute, SR9, and all affiliated logos and graphics are copyright and trademark properties of North American Data Services, LLC., with all rights reserved.
Revised February 2nd 2016
© 1999-2016 North American Data Services, LLC
ã 1999 - 2017 North American Data Services, LLC. - All rights reserved