Title:Corporate King

Lyrics by John Lister

With pomp and circumstance preceding genuflections, it makes a person feel small.
Our politicians' talking heads for corporations, it's like we don't exist at all.


I want to run for the hills, like a fish without gills
There aren’t any Hollywood stills, when you can't pay your bills

Warren Buffet and Bill Gates are our new emperors it’s something you don't want to hear,
It's not the money that they have that really scares me; it is there power that I fear


The middle class is facing quick annihilation, and I find it mildly sad
When I think of all the money that the rich waste, that the lower class has never had


There are changes that can adulterate our history, and there is one thing that rings true
The rich, I promise you will always become richer, and all there treasures come from you


I want to run for the hills, like a fish without gills
When you can’t pay your bills, big corporations they kill

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